We are happy to introduce Lipotech as supplier of Plastic Surgery Instruments and General Surgery Instruments worldwide.


Hemostatic Forceps (also called ring forceps) are hinged and look like scissors. Hemostatic Forceps are the surgical instruments used to prevent the flow of blood from an open blood vessel by compressing the vessels. These hemostatic forceps which are usually curved or straight, have serrations along the jaw to grasp the blood vessels during a surgical procedure.
Locking hemostatic forceps may be called clamps and are used to securely hold tissue. When they are used to control blood flow, they are called hemostats. A hemostat is a clamplike instrument used to compress a blood vessel in order to reduce or arrest the flow of blood during surgery.

Lipotech (The real manufacturer and supplier of surgical instruments) offers its catalog of precise and finely crafted Hemostatic Forceps & Clamps. These hemostats are available in curved and straight varieties. They come in a variety of sizes depending on your application. Our category of hemostatic forceps & clamps includes the following:
• Kelly Hemostats:
Kelly Hemostats are similar to Rochester-Oschner Hemostats and are used to clamp larger vessels or grasp tissue.
• Hartman Mosquito Forceps:
These forceps have fine short tips and a serrated jaw. Hartman mosquito hemostats are used for clamping small blood vessels and in fine tissue dissection when the incision in shallow.
• Allis Tissue Forceps:
These forceps have sharp teeth for gripping heavy tissue. Because they can cause damage, they typically hold tissue that is to be removed.
• Rochester-Oschner Forceps:
Rochester-Oschner Forceps are heavy hemostats designed for clamping large vessels or grasping dense tissue. They are serrated for grasping and often have teeth at the tip too.
• Rochester-Pean Hemostatic Forceps:
Rochester-Pean hemostatic forceps are designed with full horizontal serrations for clamping larger tissue and vessels.

Ring Forceps are used for grasping, holding firmly or exerting traction upon objects. They have a locking/ratcheted mechanism that allows the jaws to close and lock firmly onto blood vessels during a surgical procedure. One major difference between hemostatic forceps and regular forceps is the tip can be significant smaller. Hemostatic forceps belong to a group of instruments much like surgical scissors, needle holders, tissue holders and other clamps where the structure of the tip determines the function.
Lipotech’s forceps are tailored to enable surgeons to control the pressure when working with an artery smoothly. Also keep in mind that too much force may damage blood vessels, while insufficient pressure may be ineffective in stopping the bleeding. With the use of our instruments, surgeons can professionally avoid all these issues.

If you need professionally made forceps for clamping and gripping veins, arteries, or capillaries for ligation, we are at your service all the time. Our instruments are engineered at the highest precision level for superior grasping of surgical as well as prosthetic materials, sutures, and other tissues.

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We specialize in medical instrument supply ( Liposuction cannula,General Surgery, Plastic Surgery Instruments, Lipotech’s Procedure Sets) in rest of the world.