Dissectors and Elevators are the most important surgical instruments used during surgeries. They are used in cutting and lifting of certain things and organs of a body that is mostly needed in surgeries.
Dissectors enable surgeons to perform a minimally invasive discectomy. Dissectors may be sharp or blunt.
Elevator is tool used for scarping, elevating or dissecting bones or tissues.
Lipotech is the Real Manufacturer and Supplier of Surgical Instruments. Our surgical instruments are designed and manufactured for use according to strict institutional and professional protocols. All of our surgical tools are greatly recommended by medical professionals around the world. Lipotech’s surgical instruments facilitates a variety of surgical procedures and operations.
At Lipotech, the main aim and goal of Team Lipotech is complete customer satisfaction, and for that purpose, we always strive towards improving the quality of our products. In the portfolio of Supreme Quality Medical Equipment, there is always space for Innovation and Improvement. The suggestions and feedbacks from our satisfied clients keeps us motivated. Our R&D department is always busy in finding and meeting the new trends in the market & customer requirements.
Our premium offer of surgical instruments also features a wide range of Dissectors & Elevators.
Dissectors and Elevators are present in different shapes and sizes depending on the purpose of surgery. There are some dissectors that are broad and curved and have got the spoon like structures on both sides of the dissectors. Similarly, there are some dissectors that are like the knife and have got the pointed tip and there is large curve present near the handle of the dissectors. They vary in shapes, sizes and purpose.
Lipotech’s Dissectors:
Lipotech’s catalog of Dissectors and Elevators offers several dissection tools:
• Duck Gluteal Dissector
• Lopez- Reinke Tonsil Dissector
• Jacobs Trans-Axillary Dissector (With a curved shaft)
• Maccollum-Dingman Sub-Mammary Dissector and many others.
Lipotech’s Elevators:
Several types of surgical elevators are also the part of our offer of finely crafted Surgical Dissectors and Elevators. The offer includes:
• Boies Nasal Fracture Elevator
• Cottle Periosteal Elevator
• Cottle Double Ended Septum Elevator
• Goldman Septum Fracture Elevator
• Gunter Septal Double Ended Elevator
• Septal Flap Elevator and many more.
All of our Dissectors and Elevators are extremely High-Quality instruments that are equipped for making incisions and lifting different types of tissues during surgical procedures. These dissectors and elevators are made up of Finest Quality materials including German Stainless Steel, Titanium Durable Plastics and other materials. These surgical instruments are available separately or as Surgical Dissection Kits.
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