Micro Surgery Instruments
A major concern for all of us at Lipotechins is the quality of our products. We do not cut corners, compromise, or indulge ourselves in the previous success. Staying on top of every business requires a strong desire to innovate and an ability to grow based on constructive feedback and advice. We see medicine as a fast developing field of science and an opportunity for us to be creative leaders of the medical instruments manufacturing industry.
Microsurgery is a rapidly growing surgical field. Micro surgical procedures are based on delicate manipulation of micro structures require highly precise and reliable instruments. At Lipotechins we offer an exceptional range of micro instruments for application in various surgical procedures.
A Supreme Range of Micro Surgery Instruments
Micro surgical procedures are performed in a variety of surgical fields including Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Dermatology, Ear Nose and Throat Surgery, Dental Surgery, and General Surgery. Lipotechins offers a supreme range of micro surgery instruments which includes: Micro Needle Holder, Eyelid Speculum, Micro Scissors, Micro Clamps, Micro Forceps, Vessels Dilators.
Premium Features of Our Micro Surgical Instruments
Lipotechins’ micro needle holders are precisely designed to enable a secure grip and lessen the hand fatigue.
The micro scissors features extremely sharp blades build for precision. The scissor’s holders are ergonomically adjusted for comfortable use.With their powerful and reliable grip, Lipotechins micro clamps are designed to be used for holding delicate tissues as well as tendons and blood vessels. Micro surgery demands precision before anything. The instruments used for such procedures as delicate tissue transfers, nerve repair, reattachment of amputated body parts, peripheral blood vessels anastomosis, and many others are required to perform flawlessly. Micro instruments that we have on offer, at Lipotechins, provide all that and more. They are highest quality medical tools intended to give the best possible support and assistance to medical professionals.All of our instruments and equipment for microsurgery are crafted to perfection using only the best, modern materials and technologies. The instruments are also reusable as they can be fully sterilized. Lipotechins guarantees a life time, no wear, and no stain application of these products. Medical professionals who choose to give their trust to Lipotechins will find that our products are top of the line and of the highest quality.
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